Meet Our Leaders!

Meet our church leaders!
Their wisdom and guidance continue to inspire and strengthen our faith community. Their genuine warmth and unwavering commitment to serving others will leave you inspired and filled with hope. Through their wise counsel and compassionate hearts, they guide our faith community with grace and humility. We are grateful for their leadership and the positive impact they have on our spiritual journey.

Antwan Brown, Senior Pastor
Pastor Antwan Brown was born in Fort Pierce Florida. He is honored to be the son of Pastor Andrew and Joann Brown. Building from a strong Pentecostal background; he answered the call at the tender age of 15. Pastor Antwan aka “The Fire Man” has a unique style of preaching, singing, and teaching which have caused hundreds of souls to surrender to the call of Christ; rather inside the church building or under the big gospel tent.
In the year of our Lord 2009, Pastor Brown heard the voice of God to establish a church. He currently serves as senior pastor at Faith Builders International Ministries in the great city of Palm Bay Florida. He has been vetted, affirmed, and licensed in the Pastorate by The Kingdom Covenant Fellowship under the leadership, mentorship, and apostolic covering of Apostle Dannie L. Williams.
Pastor Brown received a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Administration from Barry University in addition to his Bachelor of Philosophy in Biblical Studies from Trinity Theological Seminary of South Florida.
The Highlight of his life, next to giving his life to Christ, is when he married the woman of his dream, his life partner and best friend Pastor Rachael S. Brown. Together they have two sons and three daughters of whom they love very much.
As a Husband, a Pastor, and a Father; Pastor Antwan Brown deems it a priority to find a solitary place with God. From his intense relationship with the Holy Spirit, he flows strongly in deliverance and in the prophetic.
Rachael Owen Brown, Executive Pastor
Pastor Rachael S. Brown is a native of Melbourne Florida. Shortly after her conversion Pastor Rachael embraced her divine calling from God into ministry. Pastor Rachael Brown received divine revelation that she would be a mother to many and that she would wed a pastor. Shortly after Pastor Antwan Brown move to Melbourne their paths met and the rest is history. Now the two co-pastor Faith Builders International Ministries.
Pastor Rachael’s unique, raw, and distinguish style of teaching and preaching has open many doors for her to be the guest speaker at several conferences and workshops. Pastor Racheal is a devoted community activist. She was the co-founder and visionary of an organization called “The Elect Women of God.” This organization was designed to strengthen women and bring unity amongst the community. She currently conducts a host of empowerment workshops and her annual women conference “U2 Powerful.”
Pastor Rachael is an entrepreneur. She owns several businesses, and she takes it upon herself to mentor and coach many on how to flow in the divine grace of God. She studied business at Florida Eastern State College where she received an AA degree in business. Also, she further her education at Barry University where she graduated with a bachelor’s degree in business administrations. With the divine responsibility bestowed upon her, she makes it her priority to brings as many lost souls as possible to the Kingdom of God.

Demetrius Webb, Assistant Pastor
Demetrius Webb, Assistant Pastor